Awareness Raising Trainings
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METU CLIMATE - Ocean And Climate Awareness Workshops
METU Climate Change and Sustainable Development Center (METU CLIMATE) and METU Institute of Marine Sciences (METU IMS) jointly conduct ocean and climate awareness workshops in collaboration with a diverse range of partners to train younger generations about the importance of marine ecosystems, the sustainable use of marine resources, and the impacts of climate change. the two entities also support various national and international projects by primary and secondary education institutions as project partners.
Through collaboration with various stakeholders (schools, non-governmental organizations, local governments, etc.) and project involvements (TÜBİTAK 4004, EU Erasmus, Horizon Europe etc.), comprehensive ocean-climate training support is provided for children and young people aged 6-18 regarding the significance of oceans, the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems, and marine conservation efforts. These activities are designed to be as inclusive as possible, with a particular focus on schools in disadvantaged areas.
The trainings are provided by researchers from the METU Institute of Marine Sciences. In designing marine-climate education workshops, project type and target age group are taken into consideration to ensure a high level of interactive engagement.
Ocean and Climate Awareness Trainings take place all-year-round at the training hall located inside the Climate Change and Sustainable Development Center at METU Erdemli Campus.
Contact Information for Trainings
METU Erdemli Campus, Mersin
Evrim Kalkan Tezcan
Phone: +90 (324) 521 3434 / Ext: 1611